
Hartmut Reuter, Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik


HPSS as an HSM solution


RZG is in the process to replace the current HSM system TSM-HSM by HPSS. So in future all newly created files in AFS-OSD should get copies in HPSS and also the data presently stored in TSM-HSM have to be migrated to HPSS over the next year(s). One of the advantages of HPSS is that the client API can be used on any Linux (or AIX) based server. Therefore archiving can be distributed over all OSDs avoiding double transfer of the data over the network and gaining scalability because HPSS may run any number of data movers in parallel. Still one OSD will function as the owner of HPSS keeping all the metadata (link tables) and doing file creation and deletion in HPSS. The separation of data and metadata had already been implemented to support DCACHE as HSM system two years ago, so this code just needed to be made more generic in order to get a solution suitable for any future HSM-interface. This code is integrated in the current production system 1.4.12.-osd as well as in the 1.5.74-osd.


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Conference silver sponsor: CyberSafe
Conference silver sponsor: STORYFLEX
Conference silver sponsor: Hewlett-Packard


Conference partner: Ekotip
Conference partner: Cesnet
Conference partner: EurOpen
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University of West Bohemia

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