Travel information


The closest airport to Pilsen is Prague. The best way to leave the airport is by bus line number 100: Prague Airport - Zličín (metro line B) - 18 min. Tickets machines are located at bus stops. Tickets can also be purchased from bus drivers (cash required in both cases). From Zličín you can use direct coach lines to Pilsen, or get on the subway (Metro) to reach Prague center.


Prague-Pilsen is a frequented coach line with at least one bus every hour in daytime. Board the bus at station Florenc if you are in the city center. Zličín station is more suitable for people coming from the airport. Here is a coach timetable (english translation), another one.


Pilsen is located on the railway line from Nürnberg or München via Regensburg to Prague. Railway timetables are here.

Public Transport in Pilsen

You can use public transport providing tram, bus or trolley bus services: interactive plan, static picture, time-table.

Useful public transport lines: Tram line No. 2 connects the Central Bus Station and the Railway station. You may change to tram line No. 4 at Sady pětatřicátníků (going from the Central Bus Station, direction Světovar) or at Solní (going from the Railway, direction Skvrňany). Tram line number 4 goes from the city center to Bory. It takes about 15 minutes from city center (Sady pětatřicátníků) to the terminus at Bory. Bus line No. 30 is a round trip line suitable for transport between the terminus at Bory and the campus. It takes only one stop from Bory to the campus (bus stop Univerzitní).

One-way paper tickets (CZK 12) are sold by machines located at some stops. They can also be purchased from bus driver (CZK 20). You can also use an electronic wallet "Plzeňská jízdenka" to buy transfer tickets (CZK 12) from special orange terminals inside public transport vehicles.

The electronic wallet "Plzeňská jízdenka" costs CZK 200 including a credit of CZK 120. You can buy it in the Tourist Information Centre in the Republic Square in Pilsen, the Tourist Information Centre found in the main railway station in Pilsen, and at the Central Coach Station. Additional credit can be purchased from special machines around Pilsen. Official specification of "Plzeňská jízdenka" is only available in Czech or via google translator. "Plzeňská jízdenka" will be available from the Registration desk as well. A charging machine is available on campus.

University Campus

Walking distance is about 15 minutes from Bory through the Kaplířova street. Currently, the footpath passes partly through a building site, but it is a safe public road.

Another way to access the campus is city bus line No. 30. It is one stop from Bory tram terminal to campus.

Going by car from city center or Bory, you will not be able to use the most direct road since it is closed for construction and the traffic is diverted. You need to go through streets Sukova, Folmavská and U letiště. Accessing the campus from D5 highway is simpler, use exit 89 "Borská pole". Parking space is available in front of the university. See also maps.

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University of West Bohemia

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