
Matt W. Benjamin, Linuxbox.com


Design and implementation of AFS byte-range file locking


The talk will review the AFS byte-range file locks draft specification, highlighting key features and design decisions, and its relationship to extended callback information. Next the talk will look the current draft implementation in the OpenAFS file server and Unix cache manager. The talk will cover cache consistency requirements, share reservations (a semantic extension introduced to better support mixed platform environments), asynchronous lock issue (polling avoidance), some details of the internal lock management design, and the current mechanisms for lock expiration and recovery.


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  • Golden partner:

    Conference GOLDEN SPONSOR: IBM

    Silver partners:

    Conference silver sponsor: CyberSafe
    Conference silver sponsor: STORYFLEX
    Conference silver sponsor: Hewlett-Packard


    Conference partner: Ekotip
    Conference partner: Cesnet
    Conference partner: EurOpen
    Centre for Information Technology
    University of West Bohemia

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    Plzeò 2015